August Henry "Momiji" Documentary (2023)

NY在住のペインター/インスタレーションアーティストのAugust Henryのインスタレーションイベント"Momiji"のドキュメント映像。
ロケーションは京都市左京区にあるBridge Studio。同スタジオは1934年に建てられた元小児科の洋館で、数十年の間空き家が続いていた中、複合文化施設として始動したばかりの建物。
Documentary of installation event "Momiji" by New York-based painter and installation artist August Henry.
The location is Bridge Studio in Sakyo Ward, Kyoto City. This studio, originally a clinic built in 1934, had been vacant for decades before recently being repurposed as a multi-cultural facility.
Amidst the remnants of a bygone era within the building, August unveiled an installation inspired by Japanese carp streamers (koinobori).
The three-day event attracted many visitors, transforming the abandoned space into a vibrant scene filled with autumn colors.

撮影・編集:庄 輝士
アーティスト:August Henry
場所:Bridge Studio Kyoto
Filmed, Edited: Terushi Sho
Artist: Ausgut Henry
Location: Bridge Studio Kyoto